Here are a couple of error messages I got after I installed the Sencha SDK Tool and typed "sencha" in the Terminal:
1. The current working directory (/Projects/SenchaTouch2/sdk) is not a recognized Sencha SDK or application folder. Running in backwards compatible mode.
2. Error: Cannot find module '/Projects/SenchaTouch2/sdk/command/sencha.js'...
I tried everything, including the following:
1. Uninstalled and reinstalled Sencha Touch and Sencha SDK Tool. But this time, instead of installing the 2 applications in my user directory, I installed them directly at the root. All objects from Sencha Touch and Sencha SDK Tool are in the /Projects/SenchaTouch2/sdk directory. Just make sure that sdk folder have the right permission (using Get Info.)
This means that I had to change my user configuration file by entering the command in my Terminal:
sudo pico /etc/apache2/users/`whoami`.conf
And change my httpd.conf file by entering the command:
sudo pico /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
2. Do NOT do this --> Created a system file called '.senchasdk' using the command:
sudo nano /Projects/SenchaTouch2/sdk/.senchasdk
I was about to give up.
I decided that there is only 1 thing left for me to do. Install the previous version... and it worked.
For the Sencha Touch, I used sencha-touch-2.0.1-rc, which I downloaded from here.
For the Sencha SDK Tool, I used SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta2-osx, which I downloaded from here.
1. I installed both of them in the /Projects/SenchaTouch2/sdk/ directory.
2. Using Terminal, type:
cd /Projects/SenchaTouch2/sdk/sencha
No more error messages. Next step was to execute the Sencha commands as documented here. I was so happy to see all the files and directories finally being generated with no issues.
And finally, after all that hardwork, I finally get to see this screen:
If you have not read my first installation entry here, don't forget to install Compass.
Still I am not able to install it completely.. Please help..